The 2022 DeMuro Digest

Digital Publication

An annual publication by the non-profit Restore Oregon.


The cover for the DeMuro Digest required a collaging of images representing all winners in equal balance and weight. Because the previous issue had used a grid of repeating long rectangular slices, the goal with this year’s cover was to find a different approach that would add some variety without losing the ability to showcase each winner equally. I chose to reference Mondrian’s iconic grids, which became a lasting influence on architecture as the means to collage the images and reflect the connection with the artistic visions of designers and architects.

The concept for the spreads was to display before and after imagery on the right-facing page in support of the beauty shot and description on the left-facing page. I used the double-column grid for the multiple images to provide consistency throughout the digest, which allowed for selecting the best photos to display the restoration processes of each winner.



Logo and Website


Calendar Print Layout